my name is Alex De Lorenzi, I' m 16 years old and I live in Mira (near Venice).
My school is called " Maria Lazzari" and it's located in Dolo (near Padova), in this school I attend the 3rd year!
I like listening to music and going to the disco, I love playing football, in fact I have played it since 1998 (for 11 years!!). Now I play with a club that is called " Dolo Riviera Del Brenta".
My mother Luciana is 49 years old and she works in a shoe factory, my father Renato is 52 years old and he works in a metalwork industry as a a foreman, and my brother Davide, who is 29 years old, works in a team of racing boats (he is the chief mechanic). I love my brother because when I was a little child he was like a second father to me (at the age of 13 years old)!! Now we are the best brothers in the world!