I very like whatching films : in the cinema, on DVD's , in the internet . This is some of it :
- Forest Gump
- Leon
-The Green Mile
-The Shawshank Redemption
- Requem for а dream
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's
-Step up 2
-The Dark Knight
-Silent Hill
-Angels & Demons
-Underworld 3
- Forsage 1-4
-I'm a legend
-Ice age 1-3
-The Simpsons
- Madagaskar
And what about your like films))?
Added by Nickolay on December 12, 2009 at 22:30 —
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The thing I love most about this song, Is what it's about. This "childrens rhyming game" is based on the mental institutions of the Victorian era and what used to happen in them. The song is about a girl named Lucy, who as a young girl got placed in an asylum and the song follows the story of the asylum and all the things that used to happen, that would be extremely illegal if they happened nowadays. The song in general is hard to understand, where the lines end, they would begin on the next…
Added by Amy Nixon on December 2, 2009 at 16:16 —
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